stock exchanges are extremely popular in the United Kingdom(LSE) United States (NYSE, NASDAQ, NYMEX, GLOBEX and others), while some other poplar exchanges include Tokyo Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX).
Trade the most popular digital currency in increments of 0.1 against USD, AUD, EUR, and GBP
Speculate on Ethereum, the blockchain app platform, in both rising or falling markets
Diversify your trading with CFDs on the exchange-traded funds, where multiple assets are gathered in one basket..
Trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies without having to own the underlying asset.
TradeConcept offers a FIX API for institutions looking to offer our markets and liquidity to their customers. Contact our Institutional Sales team to learn more.
Execute trades and a full range of orders against live streaming prices using your own algorithms or trading systems
View your current active orders, account balance, available margin, open positions and historical trades in real-time.
Strengthen your strategy with historical market data for deeper technical analysis and user experience.